Angular & Node JS
Create modern, scalable and high-speed Web Applications with Angular (formerly named Angular 2, now just “Angular”) and NodeJS + Express + MongoDB.
Angular 1 and NodeJS, together with ExpressJS (a NodeJS Framework) and MongoDB formed the very popular MEAN stack. Now is the time to dive into MEAN 2.0 and replace Angular 1 with Angular 2+.
At Vidushi Gyaanpeeth you will learn how to connect your Angular Frontend to a NodeJS & Express & MongoDB Backend by building a real Application
Angular and Node JS Course Contents
Introduction to Angular
- Simple Angular Application
- Angular 4 Build Automation
- Angular Component Based Approach
HTTP Module
- Angular Routing Module (SPA)
- Data Access in Angular App
- Angular Testing
HTTP Module
- Angular Routing Module (SPA)
- Data Access in Angular App
- Angular Testing
Node JS
Introduction to Node JS
- The importance of being asynchronous
- js Event loop
- The Node.js process
Async Patterns
- Asynchronous Javascript
- Asynchronous Control Flow with Callbacks
- Promises
- Async/Await
- The EventEmitter API
- Third Party Async packages
- Introduction to ExpressJS
- Routing
- Responding
- Configuration
- Views
- Middlewares
- Receiving Data
- Error Handling
Working With Data
- MongoDB
- Mongoose ODM
- Mongoose Schema
- Mongoose Model
- Querying with Mongoose
Best Practices
- Best Practices
- js API design
- Error Handling
- Debugging
Typescript Essentials
- Angular Directives
- Angular Pipes
- Angular Forms (FormModule)
- Angular Service
Data Access in Angular App
- Angular Testing
File System
- The FS Module.
- Reading Directories
- Reading Files
- Streams
Building APIs using modules, events and packages
- CommonJS Modules
- The global object
- Directories as Modules
- npm Packages
- Managing Dependencies
- npm scripts
Building servers
- Creating servers with HTTP
- The Http server class
- Parsing requests
- HTTP streaming
Authentication With Passport and JWT
- Stateful vs. Stateless Authentication
- OAuth2
- Passport
- JWT – JSON Web Tokens
Hosting Complex Node Architectures with Docker
- What is Docker
- Docker CLI
- Docker File system & Volumes
- Docker Files
- Containers Communication
- Docker Compose
Hosting Standalone Node
- Why do we need hosts
- Forever
- PM2
- Node on Windows
- Node as a Windows Service
- IISNode